Dispute Resolution for Hourly Wage Employees Los Angeles, California

Across the globe, there are many people who are employed and paid as hourly wage employees. In order to keep track of their time, electronic tags, timesheets, and clock cards are used to record when they enter or leave the workplace, including any lunch breaks. Their managers or employers have the capacity to alter these records if there are any mistakes or discrepancies. Sometimes however, employers take undue advantage of their capacity by preventing hourly wage employees from taking legitimate lunch breaks.  If this has happened to you, it would be in your best interest to seek the skills of a Los Angeles attorney for hourly wage employees.

These skilled professionals have vast experience in dealing with disputes related to hourly wage employees. In the case where your employer claims you worked fewer hours than you genuinely clocked in for, a Los Angeles attorney for hourly wage employees will be able to guide and provide advice. If you are having problems with your employer not paying you appropriately for any overtime, or if your employer might have incorrectly classified you as “exempt” from overtime. In any of the above or similar situations, the expertise of a professional and experienced California employment attorney might mean the difference between being exploited and getting fair remuneration for your time.

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