
Who Would Have Thought? The 10 Weirdest Laws

Top 10 Weird Laws From Around The World We figured we would spice it up this week and switch gears from employment law and talk about the weirdest laws you

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Age Discrimination in Employment Act Violations

In tough economic times, finding employment is tough, unfortunately even harder for older employees.  Some employers often assume that older employees are close to retirement and don’t need a job,

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Employment Law: Pregnancy Discrimination Accommodations

Last month, a California Court of Appeal voted yes on Sanchez v. Swissport, Inc. a case where a California woman was terminated for being unable to return to her job

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Religious Discrimination: Know Your Rights

In the last few years, religious discrimination in the workplace has been on the rise. Laws on religious discrimination are quite confusing and contradictory.  For example, you can't make employment

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Employment Rights Against Retaliation: Whistleblowing

In November 2012, President Barack Obama signed new whistleblower protections into law.  Also known as the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act, consists of protections for federal employees who are terminated for

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Employment Law: When California Employers Must Pay for Travel

Travel Time Pay Rules in California (2022): Are you an hourly worker? Did you know that California law requires that hourly workers be paid for hours worked, which may include

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Are You Working in a Hostile Work Environment?

How to Know If You Have a Hostile Work Environment "Hostile work environment" is often misunderstood.  Many believe that such an environment is when one employee dislikes another and intentionally

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The Dangers of Social Media and Employee Discipline

I am sure you have heard of employees exploiting their work environment on social media for all to see.  Whether they intentionally did it or were in a moment of

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Understanding Employment Law on Sexual Orientation Discrimination

Sexual orientation discrimination submits as harassment or disparity based on someone’s gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, or heterosexual orientation.  Many workplaces and even states have employment and labor laws against sexual discrimination. 

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What You Need to Know About Labor Law and Maternity Leave

Maternity Leave Requirements for Employers in Los Angeles If you or your significant other is about to become a parent in the state of California, it is important that you

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