
How Inadequate California Workplace Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policies Can Lead to Lawsuits

The Los Angeles employment law attorney at the Leichter Law Firm, APC, Aryeh Leichter, knows inadequate workplace anti-discrimination and harassment policies in California can leave employees vulnerable to unlawful treatment

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What Employment Protections Do California Apartment Managers Have?

Aryeh Leichter, attorney for Los Angeles residential apartment managers at the Leichter Law Firm, APC, knows these employees are entitled to various employment protections under state and federal laws. Here

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When Should I Speak with a California Employment Law Attorney?

At the Leichter Law Firm, APC, the Los Angeles employment law attorney, Aryeh Leichter, knows that sometimes it is difficult to understand when rights have been violated in the California

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Pregnancy Accommodations Policy and the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act  

Aryeh Leichter, the Los Angeles employment law attorney at the Leichter Law Firm, APC, believes all California employees should understand their legal workplace rights so they know when their employer is violating them and can

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New Law Makes Establishing Retaliation Claims Easier For California Employees

Aryeh Leichter, the Los Angeles employment law attorney at the Leichter Law Firm, APC, knows Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law Senate Bill 497 (SB 497) on October 8, 2023, which makes it easier for employees to

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Federal Agencies Announce Closer Partnership in Enforcing Workplace Laws

Aryeh Leichter, the Los Angeles employment law attorney at the Leichter Law Firm, APC, closely monitors workplace laws that impact California employees. On October 31, 2023, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Labor

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When is the Next Minimum Wage Increase in California?

New increased minimum wage requirements will take effect on January 1, 2024, for the state of  California and multiple California cities and counties. The increased wages apply only to hours worked on

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Understanding California’s Equal Pay Act: Closing the Gender Wage Gap

The California Equal Pay Act addresses and rectifies gender-based wage differentials to ensure that employees are paid equally for performing substantially similar work, regardless of gender. Aryeh Leichter, the Los Angeles employment law

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New California Employment Laws Increase Paid Sick Leave, Add Unpaid Leave for Reproductive Loss

Aryeh Leichter, the Los Angeles employment law attorney at the Leichter Law Firm, APC, follows important “leave” laws in California to ensure all employees understand their rights and can adequately enforce them when violated. California Senate

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How Often Does Workplace Harassment Have to Occur to Seek Legal Action in California?

The Los Angeles employment law attorney at the Leichter Law Firm, APC, Aryeh Leichter, knows that the frequency and severity of California workplace harassment can vary, and no specific number of incidents must occur before pursuing legal

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