
How Do I Prove California Workplace Retaliation?

Like most employees, and their employers, the Los Angeles employment law attorney at the Leichter Law Firm, APC, Aryeh Leichter, knows that workplace retaliation is illegal in California. The California Labor Commission specifically prohibits

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What Legal Steps are Required to File a California Employment Discrimination Claim?

At the Leichter Law Firm, APC, the Los Angeles employment law attorney, Aryeh Leichter, knows filing a claim against a California employer for discrimination in the workplace requires multiple legal steps to achieve success.

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California Employees Have a Right to be Free From Workplace Discrimination

At the Leichter Law Firm, APC, the Los Angeles employment law attorney, Aryeh Leichter, know that it is illegal to discriminate against a California job applicant or employee because of a protected characteristic.

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Are California Employers Responsible for Harassment Prevention Training?

At the Leichter Law Firm, APC, the Los Angeles employment law attorney, Aryeh Leichter, knows there may be some confusion about which California employees must undergo sexual harassment and abusive conduct training, and who is

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Can Employee Sexual Harassment Occur Outside of the Workplace?

At the Leichter Law Firm, APC, the California employment law attorney, Aryeh Leichter, knows that most California workplace cultures are friendly and inviting, no matter the industry. Whether it is a

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Do Missed Meal and Rest Breaks Translate to Payable Wages in California?

At the Leichter Law Firm, APC, the California employment law attorney, Aryeh Leichter, knows all nonexempt California workers are entitled to both meal and rest breaks. What most may not

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What are the Penalties for Misclassifying Employees in California?

At the Leichter Law Firm, APC, the California employment law attorney, Aryeh Leichter, knows it is against the law to misclassify employees as independent contractors in California. The penalties for misclassifying

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What is Considered a Violation of Public Policy in California?

At the Leichter Law Firm, APC, the Los Angeles employment law attorney, Aryeh Leichter, knows California employers are prohibited from terminating employees for illegal reasons. One of the most common

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State & Federal Pregnancy Discrimination Laws Protect Working Women in California

The Los Angeles employment law attorney at the Leichter Law Firm, APC, Aryeh Leichter, works tirelessly to protect the rights of pregnant workers throughout California. While federal pregnancy discrimination laws

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California Bill Allows Employees to Leave Work or Not Show Up Without Notice if They Feel Unsafe

At the Leichter Law Firm, APC, the Los Angeles employment law attorney, Aryeh Leichter, has devoted his time and legal representation to protecting the rights of California employees, so they

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